Why are big technology companies in the race to take the lead over each other under sea?

GETTY IMAGES "The fact that you can post a picture on Facebook or a video on YouTube and people can see it anywhere in the world is amazing, but for all that behind the scenes and a lot of things under the sea. It is needed. It's easy to overlook the fact that our access to the Internet depends on thousands of miles of cable laid in the world's oceans. They provide plumbing for the Internet and run 98% of Internet traffic. Some cables connect neighboring countries, such as the 131 km long cable between Ireland and the United Kingdom. Or the Asian-American Gateway Cable that connects the continents, which is 20,000 kilometers long. Internet cables have tiny wires inside them and they are like optical fibers in which data travels like light, like tension in hair. Each cable will have more layers of protective coating to protect these many thin wires or fibers. One problem, according to Daniel Sousa, director of Subcom, an international company, is that "the en...